Thursday, October 27, 2016

holiday story


In the holidays I went to  Perth.  I went on an aeroplane with my Aunty Manawa and my 2 cousins Caleb and Nae Nae.  We flew to Perth from  Auckland and it took us 7 hours.  On the way I watched a movie and it was really sad.  My cousin cried but I didn’t. When we got to Perth we got picked up by my Aunty, my Mum and  3 other cousins.  They drove us to their house because that is where we were all going to be staying.

I liked seeing my Mum again and my Aunty, Uncle and cousins as I hadn’t seen them for a while.  I played fun fighting games with my cousins, it was good fun.

On  Saturday we all went to my Aunty and Uncle’s wedding.  There were some other kids that I did not know at the wedding, I only knew my cousins.

My Aunty looked beautiful in her wedding dress and my Uncle looked cool too.  At the wedding we got to eat lots of yummy food.  My favourite food was the meat and the wedding cake.  The wedding cake was melted chocolate, it tasted sweet and really yummy, everyone wanted lots of pieces.

The day of the wedding my cousin Trinae saw a wild kangaroo,  it hopped 1000’s of times.  My favourite part of Perth was seeing a kangaroo and seeing my family, especially my baby cousin who is only 1 years old.  My Aunty is going to be having a new baby and she thinks it’s going to be early because her tummy was really sore.  His name is going to be Te Manuwera.

We stayed in Perth for 2 weeks then we flew back to New Zealand but my cousin Trinae stayed there for another 10 days.  I loved my trip to Perth and one day I want to go back.  

Book Review

Do not write on this until you have chosen and read your book from cover to cover and know what it is about. Before you start this you will have spent a lot of time quietly reading!

Date  read:    Thursday 13th October 2016

Book Title : Shoo Fly Guy

Author: Tedd Arnold

Rating: ⭐s out of 5 = 5

Write why you picked this book to read.
I picked this book because I liked the pictures.

What type of book is it? - fiction / non fiction/ science fiction/ mystery/ biography/ autobiography

This book was a fiction book.

Where did the story take place?
This story took place at Buzz’s house at the beginning but then Fly Guy went flying around all over the place looking for Buzz who was on a picnic.

What happened in the beginning?
There was a boy named Buzz and he has a pet fly called Fly Guy. One day Fly Guy went flying off all by himself.

What happened in the middle?
Buzz went for a picnic without Fly Guy.  Fly Guy  went looking for Buzz.

What happened at the end?
Fly Guy found Buzz at the picnic and Buzz gave Fly Guy his favourite food  which was Shoo Fly Pie.

Who were the main characters?
The main characters in this book were Fly Guy and Buzz.

Who was your favourite character and why?
My favourite character was Fly Guy because he he was good at finding food.

What did you notice about the authors style of writing?

I liked the author's style because he repeated the tricky words all the time.

Highlight the words that best describe this book.


Your opinion
What did you like in the book?
I liked what Buzz had made for Fly Guy which was a paper plane and a house for him.

What did you dislike?
I did not like the rotten food that Buzz gives to Fly Guy.

Write about your favourite part.
My favourite part was when Fly Guy found Buzz on the picnic at the end of the story.

Write a Summary of the story in a paragraph

There was a boy named Buzz and he had a pet called Fly Guy.  One day Fly Guy went flying off. Buzz decided he wanted to go on a  picnic.  When Fly Guy got home he saw the letter that said that Buzz was on a picnic so Fly Guy went looking for him.

Write a one sentence Summary
There was a boy named Buzz who had a pet called Fly Guy.

Do you think this was a good fit book for you? Why?
It was a good book for me as it was easy for me to read.

Would you recommend this book to someone else? Who? Why?
I would recommend this book to my friends because I liked it.

Write/ Invent a new ending for your book

At the end of the story Fly Guy  could find  his true love and her name could be Fly Princess and they could live happily ever after.